雷射逃生是一款策略遊戲,考驗玩家的敏捷性、協調性和解決問題的能力。 在遊戲中,玩家處於一個煙霧瀰漫的封閉空間,必須避開四方八面的雷射光束,到達彼岸,並按下所有亮著的按鈕才能進入下一個關卡。


LASER ESCAPE is a strategy game designed to assess players’ agility, coordination, and problem-solving skills. Players will find themselves in a space which is full of lasers and smoke. They need to evade the lasers, and press all the illuminated buttons to achieve the next level.

The lasers become more challenging in different levels, players need to observe the laser direction, timing, and patterns to make your move desicion. It’s important to note that touching a laser will deduct some points. The game requires teamwork and quick reflexes from players

Memory/記憶力 : 1
Agility/敏捷度 : 5
Communication/溝通能力 : 3
Teamwork/團隊合作 : 5
Time management/時間管理 : 4
Critical thinking/時間管理 : 3