Jumping Grid是一款令人精神振奮的快節奏遊戲,考驗玩家的敏捷和決策能力。 在這款遊戲中,玩家處身於在五顏六色方塊中,踩到藍色方塊可賺取積分,同時需避開紅色方塊以免扣除生命值。 綠色方塊為安全區,為玩家提供暫時喘息的機會。 


Jumping Grid is a thrilling and fast game that challenges players to react quickly and make good decisions. In this game, players are in a room with various colors of blocks . They have to step on the blue blocks to earn points and be aware that red blocks will deduct the health points. The green squares are safety areas where players can take a break for a short time.

The goal of the game is to reach a specific score within a given time limit. As players progress through the levels, the arrangement and design of the blocks become more complex. Players must carefully observe and adapt to these changes in order to successfully complete each challenge.

Memory/記憶力 : 1
Agility/敏捷度 : 5
Communication/溝通能力 : 2
Teamwork/團隊合作 : 4
Time management/時間管理 : 4
Critical thinking/批判性思維 : 2